Thursday, October 30, 2008

The copious clouds roared within the darkened gray sky. Pitter, patter, pitter, patter, pitter, patter, accompanied the roars with the sweet drops of rain. Woo, a stretched out sound of air flowed through the air. Leaves crinkled falling off of the withered away branches flowing onto the grown like a wave at sea. Crows cried in the distance for a safe place to hide. The eerie weather had just begun.

She sat in her great grandmother's hickory chair leaning forward and backward, forward and backward again like a slow silent cello in the background. The woman's hair waved to beneath her breast line, raving her rusty autmn color weaved within strands of white. Her eyes had seen much in her life time. With her worn out deep green eyes she watched the storm to come, silently humming a song of her mother's to herself in her deep alto voice. It made her feel safe when she was a young girl.

Silently sleeping,
All through the night,
Mother is peeping,
To be sure I'm alright

The storm woorled louder now. The pitter patter pitter patter had morphed into an angry stampeed. The whoorling wind began to pick up small items for the ground carrying it alongside with it. Lightening beamed from the sky less than a mile again. The middle-aged woman hummed her song louder, calm but cautious.

Her black cat dashed away from his typical daytime lounge besides the rickety tree and scurried over pawing at the frame of the netted door, but she did not budge. She sat there robotically leanign back and forth on her great grandmother's hickory chair humming her mother's soothing song.

Lightening striked again less than a half a mile away nearby a tree. A deep operatic roar multiplied in the background. A lost dog ran by Hickory Lane with a tattered piece of rope dragging by it's side. The dog staggered, whimpering at each pace.

[yeah now I'm stuck... haha I hope you enjoyed that]

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