Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Strange Dream.

Okay so I shared this with a couple people today but I had the strangest dream last night.

It was prom and for some reason every couple were like on these little boats on this lake. It was night and everything looked really pretty there was candle light and everything but in the lake there were all of these polar bears and sharks. And there was this one polar bear and shark and both of them were like two times the size of my house (maybe more) and they wanted to eat me lol.

So I'm trying to hide from the polar bear and the shark behind this ice wall which is barely on any land to be supported which connected out to the lake.. And the polar bear ends up giving up but the shark is a little jerk and keeps on trying to get me but finally after a while the shark goes away so I bounce on each of the empty boats to go on the boat with my date who oddly wasn't Rex but Raphi lol I have no idea why Raphi was my date or why were were on these boats (or better yet why a massive shark and polar bear were trying to eat me but ANYWAYS!) I told Raphi we needed to leave and he's like what? And I just tell him we've gotta go there is a massive shark trying to eat me so we float in our boat as fast as we can away from the lake into this gate area where you could exit the lake and the shark started coming after us but we got out before the shark could get us.

I don't know what was going on with my subconscious mind but it was on CRACK! lol

1 comment:

Micah Foster said...

Wow, That is a strange dream!

btw, you should go to Mexico!